Crew Dragon DM-2 and First Flights: A Historical Perspective

As NASA and SpaceX prepare for the first launch of astronauts from U.S. soil since the last flight of the shuttle nine years ago, the AIAA Los Angeles Section hosts authors from the Outward Odyssey series of spaceflight history books for a panel discussion of the preparation, risk and excitement that go into first flights of new vehicles. From the daring test pilots who risk their lives in cutting-edge planes to pave the way to space, to the first launches of new vehicles from Apollo to the Shuttle, to the dawning of the new era of commercial spaceflight, panelists will share stories from history on the eve of a new chapter of history beginning.

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Saving Skylab: America’s First Space Station

Saving Skylab: America’s First Space Station is a short documentary telling the story of how an electric lineman’s tool manufacturer in Centralia, Missouri helped save the first American space station from catastrophe.The film is being produced by Hubbell Utility Solutions, Power Systems Division and was released on Saturday, April 18, 2020.

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Searching for Skylab

Can humanity as a whole benefit from exploring space and what do the most ancient cultures have to say about it? This movie allows you to experience the historical journey guided by those who were there.

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